Col 2:9
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all that was written in the law and the prophets. There is no other Savior, nor will there ever be another Savior. He is all in all. And to us he has passed on the authority and righteousness found only through faith in him. In Christ we are completely restored to the perfection we had in the beginning. In Christ we are made partakers of all the promises made to the fathers: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matt 5:17). We are restored to kingship and sonship with God the Father. We are made heirs of the Kingdom, promised since the beginning of the world. Not only is life eternal ours now through Christ, but the lordship over all creation which was given to Adam in the beginning is ours now as well.
Christ is the Kingdom. When once he has become our King, then we are kings reigning alongside him. He is God, who existed eternally with the Father. Yet for our sakes he became a man, and his Spirit entered the earth through the miracle of the virgin birth. The man born to Mary was inhabited by the Spirit of the One who had originally created the entire material universe. He left his heavenly glory to become a man, in order that through his life, death, and resurrection men might again be raised to the status of sons of God.
Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father, not simply as the Son of God who preexisted forever with the Father, but as a man raised from the dead in a glorified body. He is seated next to the God of creation in a body that was once flesh, but is now an eternal body raised from the dead, never to die again. He is the first man to be forever raised from the dead. He is mankind's representative in the heavens. And everything Christ possesses as a man raised from the dead, he has given to us. He chose to give his life for the life of the world. Now every promise, every privilege, every gift, every good thing the Father has bestowed upon Christ is granted to everyone who accepts Christ as personal Savior.
This Savior is the king, the leader of all those who come to God through him. He is the Head of the Body comprised of all believers. He is the high priest, who intercedes for and grants righteousness to all those who trust in him. His blood erases the sins of all those who have chosen to trust in him. What can wash away our sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing but his blood will suffice, and suffice it does. The Father accepts all those who believe in Jesus, as he would accept Christ himself. It pleased the Father to give every believer the same glory, righteousness, purity, and power that his Son possesses. Christ is the salvation of the children of Israel and the Seed of David who gave the right of adoption into the Kingdom of God to all nations: "For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John." (Matt 11:13). Once Christ came, the prophecies were no longer prophecies--they were accomplished fact. The Messiah had come.
Since Jesus is all in all and coexisted with the Father from the beginning, he can do all things which God can do, and he has chosen to give everything he has to all who believe. All the promises, from material blessings to everlasting life, are ours, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God." (2 Cor 1:20). The Kingdom is ours. Victory over all evil is ours. Every spiritual gift is ours. Absolute absolution is ours. Perfect righteousness is ours. Complete forgiveness is ours. The power of God is ours. Healing is ours. Prosperity is ours. Freedom from sin and sin's devastating effects is ours. We have the right to rule and reign in this life through our faith in the Son of God. We have dominion over all in his name. We are more than conquerors through him who loves us.
How marvelous is this plan of God! How complete is our redemption from all evil, from everything which hurts or destroys! How fantastic is the news we have to tell of Christ's love! That God would love us so, and send his Son to bring us back to himself is simply incredible! Once we are in Christ, there is nothing that can in any way harm us. There is nothing in this world that can in any way remove the believer from the love and goodness of God. This is the gospel Jesus came to the earth to preach. This is the power he demonstrated in his triumph over sickness, sin, and death. He sent his Spirit to live within us, so now he is with us wherever we go and with us in whatever we do. This is the faith of the saints. This Christ, who conquered death, hell, and the grave for us, is our defender. We need no other Savior.
The Kingdom of our Lord and Savior began to be established the day he rose from the dead. It has spread throughout the world from that time to this. Slowly, believer by believer, soul by soul, one changed heart by one changed heart, has this Kingdom grown. Little by little, the promises the prophets gave us are coming to pass. Now we are entering the final hours of the age. A new age is dawning soon. The Golden Millennium of our Savior is at hand. The Kingdom of God is rapidly being revealed, and soon will be seen by every eye. Millions are coming into the Kingdom in these last moments before our Savior's triumphant return as King of Kings. His people are learning to stand up and be counted. His people are learning again how to exercise their authority. His people are being prepared to usher in the greatest Kingdom this world has ever seen. His people are being called to go forth and establish a new order upon the earth. His people are being called to establish righteousness and justice upon the earth. The Body of Christ is being led by him who cannot be defeated and they too cannot be defeated, as long as their trust is in him.
Jesus is who we are to trust in, but we are to trust as much in what he did for us, as we are to trust in who he is. We are to have faith in what he accomplished, so all he promised us can be ours today. Whenever believers trust in Christ and in his finished work, they find the power they need for every situation. Jesus is right here, right now, working through them. Jesus is right here, right now, doing his work. Jesus is right here, right now, in the person of the Holy Spirit working miracles and performing wonders. Jesus is here to answer the cry of any who need him and want him. Jesus is leading us onto victory.
The unbelieving world is descending into darkness and rebellion against our great King. They are rejecting his offer of friendship and eternal life. They are turning their back on our Lord and going their own way, and all the while satan is deceiving them. They are wallowing in their own sin and their own blood. They consider the blood of Christ to be of no value to them. They mock and disregard the good news of the Kingdom. But it makes no difference what the world may do, the Body of Christ is going to be victorious. Christ will never let us down, even to the last day. We will always be safe in him.
Let the world go on their merry way. It will not stop us from proclaiming the good news to every man, woman, boy, and girl. Christ demands that his word be preached. Christ works only by his Spirit, through the power of his word. Christ backs only his word, and he will back nothing but his word. The prophets have already told us what to expect and what will happen. The apostles have already told us what we must do. Christ waits for us to believe him, and follow the plan he has laid out for us. He stands waiting to act on the behalf of all who put their trust in him. Christ will give us the Kingdom. We needn't worry about that. What we must focus on is to take others with us. What we must strive for is the proclamation of this message. What we must seek after is the salvation of those around us. We must share this good news with them so they might believe and be saved. Christ will help us. Christ is on our side. Christ Jesus fights for us.
The battle for the Kingdom of God is not over yet. This battle will not be over until Armageddon is fought, and the rider on the white horse returns with his army. Everywhere we turn, we see people lining up on one side or the other of this battle, as we approach the final day. We are on the winning side. Christ Jesus will not leave one good promise unfulfilled, neither will he leave one warning of judgment unfulfilled. We know that woe, sorrow, tragedy, and anguish is coming upon the world. Jesus said it would get worse, before it gets better. But it will get better. It will get better for everyone who trusts in Jesus. It will get better in an instant, when Jesus returns with all his saints and angels to rule the earth. Christ died so that not even one little child would be lost. He has done all he will ever do to pay for the sins of the world. Christ will return when the world has made its' choice to follow him or reject him. Who is on the Lord's side? We are on the Lord's side!