Ps 40:7-8
Here I am, I have come--it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.
Since the beginning, God has been seeking for someone, anyone who will trust him. Nothing is impossible with God, and all things are possible for those who believe, so for the man or woman who trusts in God, nothing shall be impossible. It should not matter how we feel or what we think, for we are to live by faith in God alone, not by our thoughts or feelings. We can assume Jesus didn't feel like being crucified, which is why he requested that the cup of suffering be removed from him. He was probably thinking that there had to be an easier way, but he didn't want his way, he wanted God's way. Jesus didn't go by his ideas or his feelings; he went by what he believed God wanted him to do.
Regardless of what anyone thinks, or how anyone feels about it, God's word will go forth and conquer. By every means available to man, his word shall go forth. It is our job to see that it goes forth. Then, as the word goes forth, faith will arise in hearts and they will grow strong, and God will work his wonderful work, his marvelous work, and he will be magnified in the earth. There is no God besides the God who has revealed himself to mankind in his word, and this is why nothing can stop his word from coming to pass. God is God because he is the only God, and if he wasn't the only God he wouldn't be God, now would he?
The Lord Jesus is not only the word made flesh, he is everything of which the word speaks. He is the Kingdom of God. He is the seed of David's throne. He is the City of Zion. He is the everlasting light of the city. He is the river of life, the tree of life, and the street of gold. For by him were all things made that are made. Heaven and earth are his wisdom and his love on display for all to see. All is him and he is all. The glorious Kingdom which we shall inherit forever, all its' beauty, all its' glory, and all its' joy, is the reflection of his heart. The Father created his very best just for us, and when he sent his Son, he sent his very best. God is who and what Jesus is, because Jesus is the Godhead in bodily form. There is no one who compares to our God. He will spread the glory of his own person over us like a tent, and we shall dwell in him and he in us, for John saw his glory and said, "I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." (Rev 21:22).
It is true, even now we are in him and he is in us, but we have this treasure in earthen vessels which prevent us from seeing his full glory. The Lamb is the light of the city, but he shines in human hearts. His light radiates within us. He is the gate of pearl leading into the City of Zion; the pearl of great price for which a man would give everything to possess. He is the gate whereby we go in and are saved. He is the shepherd who will guide us into green pastures. We shall reflect his glory and shine as the stars forever. All things proceeded from him, and he inhabits a paradise where forever we shall reside with him. What incomprehensible love his heart holds for his children! What unfathomable benevolence the heavenly Father has bestowed upon us!
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