Monday, July 18, 2011


2 Pet 3:8
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

It is time. Time to silence the mind, suspend human reasoning, and savor these words with our heart and see them in their proper setting, which is eternity. All the achievements of mankind are less than nothing when contrasted with the awesome works of God. God can accomplish more in one single moment than man has accomplished by his own efforts since the dawn of time. God's power is unchangeable. His life force is always and ever constant. God, at the very core of his being, is life. This we must understand with our heart and not with our mind. What we call life is merely a snapshot of eternity. Our life is like a tale that's told, or like a dream in the night. One minute we're here and then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, we're gone.
God is everywhere. God lives inside of time and outside of time. He lives outside of time, in that he is completely unaffected by time. For God, time (which is defined as a unit of measurement) never ends, never had a beginning, and therefore can't be measured. In essence, time doesn't exist in God's world. But God also lives within time as the Almighty Creator who has revealed himself to mere mortals; beings who measure their lifespan by time. Time, in God's eyes, is a temporary, artificial construct used by men to measure the length of their earthly existence.
On and on it goes, God's eternal life, forever the same. To him, one day is the same as a thousand years. One length of time is no greater than any other length of time, for time cannot be measured against an infinite eternity. The Greek word Zoë is translated as eternal life in the word of God. Since Zoë is the word used for eternal life, and this life is the same life God possesses, then Zoë could be defined as the life of God. God only possesses one kind of life, which is life indestructible. God is and always has been indestructible. He simply exists. He cannot be contained within the boundaries of time and space, for his life is limitless. He is unaffected by time and space, for he is impervious to age and decay.
When God breathed into dust the Spirit of Zoë, he gave mankind the quality of being made spiritually indestructible. This spirit of ours, our God-given unique will, shall eternally reside in one of two timeless states of being. Hell is the word used to describe the state of being which those who are separated from God will experience eternally. Heaven is the word used to describe the state in which God, and all those who are one with God, will experience eternity. Eternity is a long, long time.
Kingdom realities cannot be comprehended and understood by relying upon the five physical senses of man. Kingdom realities are unveiled only to the immortal human spirit. Heaven and hell are real places, but they are not like places you find here on earth. Things here change. Rivers run dry and deserts bloom. People come and people go. Nations rise and nations fall. In eternity, nothing will ever change. The place we find ourselves in, is the place we'll always remain. When we sinned, we became separated from the life of God. To God, we were spiritually dead, because of the separation between us. In order to become one with God again, we had to reach out with our human spirit, our heart, our indestructible soul, and open the door of our heart and receive Zoë.
Our spirit, our life comes from God. We are his, the moment we're conceived in our mother's womb. It is only when we reach the age of culpability and willingly rebel against the voice of our conscience and disobey God, that we become separated from him. We are lost to him. It is on this earth we made our choice to turn away, and it on this earth we must choose to come back. This life is the only chance we'll have to do this. We all became prisoners of sin and death, by the result of our own choice. We cast Zoë away that day. We turned away from God. But with one right choice, we may have God's own nature restored to our human spirit. But if we wait one second too long, we'll find ourselves in a terrible place apart from God, a place from which there is no escape.
Jesus is the immortal, incorruptible Son of Man, flesh and bone made indestructible by the power of God, and he lives ever ready to give us his endless life. The Spirit of God is present in every particle of the universe, yet God will not and cannot enter the heart and soul of any human being who does not accept the gift of eternal life by a choice of their own free will. This day you are either a spirit alive with Zoë, or you are a spirit abiding in death, empty of Zoë. The material universe, though it possesses the creative essence of God, is not eternally the same, because one day God will withdraw his breath from this creation and it will be annihilated. The same God who spoke and the worlds appeared, will speak and they will disappear. Then he will speak once more, and a new, lasting universe will be reborn out of the old. The world to come will be an indestructible, immaterial universe. Only the human spirit can never be destroyed, for God's word declared it to be so, and he cannot lie. Only mankind, of all God's material creation, possesses the image and likeness of God, which is an eternal spirit. Only mankind is made to be like God. Therefore, we were given the responsibility to choose our own destiny. Zoë or not Zoë, this is our choice. To accept God or to reject God, this is our choice. An eternity with God or without God, this is our choice. To be with God or not to be with God, that is the question.
When the Kingdom of Heaven arrives on earth, the people of this world will see with their eyes the reality of immortality. The elect will be in charge, ruling over the kingdoms of every nation, with Christ seated upon his throne in Jerusalem. How shall the people of the world react to the sight of immortals, raised up out of their graves by God to rule and reign over the earth? The fact is, those who are left when Christ returns to set up his Kingdom, won't have any choice but to submit to our authority. They will have no power to resist the armies of God. This doesn't mean everyone will be a willing follower of Jesus. A human heart will always be human. The people of this earth will still have the power of free will. They will simply be restricted in the exercise of their free will. No evil deed will go unpunished. The elect will ensure that only justice, peace, and righteousness reign upon the earth for a thousand years.
In the mind of God, the Thousand Year Reign will be the dawn of one new day; one eternal day. This One Day will be the first and last day of eternity. After 365,000 days in which the sun will never set upon the Eternal Empire of the Elect, the sun will never rise again. A new world will come into being and the sun will no longer be necessary, for God will be the light of this new world. The Thousand Year Reign will continue unbroken, ruling in a new universe which will never know darkness again. This is why it shall be one eternal day. Are the realities of the Kingdom real to you? Are you still trying to figure God out with your tiny, little brain? Is your heart so hard that these truths sound like fairy tales to you? Do you think believers are nothing but a bunch of crazy, starry-eyed dreamers?
Well, we're not the only ones dreaming of this Kingdom. Christ, resurrected in the flesh, sits at the right hand of God's throne in the heavens, dreaming of the day when he can return and be reunited with his Bride, the Church. He sees those who trust in him, and he sees those who have rebelled against him. Jesus won't allow the world to harm his Bride. Jesus is returning to earth on behalf of the elect. Jesus is dreaming of the time when he can come and make things right. Jesus has promised to make everything right, and he will show the world that he keeps his promises to his children. The righteous will rejoice in everlasting glory and honor, while the unrighteous, those who refused God's offer of eternal life, will be tormented forever.
Whose kingdom are you living for? The rebel's short-lived rebellion is almost over. All the rebels will be locked in their prison, and the key will be thrown away. When the palaces of God are inherited by those to whom they belong, will your mansion go unclaimed? Are you cognizant of the riches you are throwing away, if you don't accept the gift of God's Zoë? Have you taken the time to add up the account of your life, to determine if what you have now is worth trading for what you could have eternally? May God make his Kingdom realities real to your heart! Listen, and you will hear him calling, asking you to join him. Won't you join the Kingdom, where a thousand years will be only the dawning of one glorious, everlasting day?

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