Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Rev 19:7
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
The wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

    Because God is a good God, his joy is an endless resource we may draw on anytime.  No camp meeting ever has to end.  If we walk in fellowship with the Father, his joy will always be bubbling up inside us.  God is happy when we are happy.  He desires to give us his joy.  He only gets sad or mad when we do things which create unhappiness for ourselves or others.  So let us be happy, full of praise, at all times trusting the Lord with all our cares, needs, wants, and desires.  Then our joy will be nonstop.  When we recall that it is he who made us and always think upon his goodness toward us, we can't help but be happy in him.  When we forget that he made us, we forget what this means.  We forget that all power is his and his alone.  We forget that he can do anything.  We forget that we were nothing, and our life comes only from him.  We forget that without him, we can do nothing.
    The life is in Christ.  Christ bears all good fruit.  Every good thing which comes into our world is of him.  With him, we too may bear good fruit.  We glorify him by bearing good fruit.  When we seek his glory and not our own, we are free from pride.  We are free from the fear of man.  We don't tremble inside, wondering what others think of us.  We're never afraid.  We talk openly about Jesus, telling others about the source of all good things in life.  We're free of the false pride men always wear on their face.  We know Jesus is worthy and he alone.  It's our duty to glorify him.  We didn't make ourselves.  We're not worthy to take the praise and glory for ourselves.  We'd be lying, if we said we were.  We'd be deceived, like all those who seek the flattery of others.  The only right thing to do is to give God the glory.
    We can't go wrong following Jesus, since he is so good.  As we follow his path, we gaze straight into the face of glory.  If we go to the right, we make a wrong turn.  If we go to the left, we've left the right path.  If we turn around, no good will be found there, either.  If God ever changed his good ways, then we'd have no path to follow, but since he's always the same, the path to follow is the one right in front of us, leading to him.  The enemy will try to divert us and throw roadblocks in our way.  He'll try to throw circumstances at us to discourage us and steal our joy, but the thief is no match for us.  He will get run over by a saint who knows where he's going.  Simply walk right over him.  Look past the barriers between you and your destination.  Be a person of faith, and see beyond the mountains which block your view.  God has supernatural vision, and he can see what you can't see, and if you look to him, he'll show you what's ahead of you.  There's no sadness on God's path.  There's nothing but good, nothing but good.  So keep thanking him, loving him, and letting him lead, and you will never fail to get around the hindrances in your way, and you will never fail to reach your goal, for the Lord will hold your hand all the way.
    The prospect of an evil god is frightening.  If satan had been able to overthrow God's throne, how unimaginably terrifying would this world be!  Satan is the evil god of all men, women, boys, and girls who belong to him.  Jesus is the good God of all men, women, boys, and girls who belong to him.  Jesus is stronger than the devil, but see how much havoc satan wreaks on this world each day!  Satan's children have made the earth a place of degradation and destruction, and then the devil has the audacity to persuade people that it's God's fault the world is in such sad shape.  Bad things are sure to come our way, but it is not God who is bad.  God is always good, all the time.  He never changes from good to bad.  He can't be bad.  He can't be anything other than good.
    We could believe that people don't have any brains in their head, if we didn't know what was in our own heart.  It's not that people don't have any brains; it's just that they want to use them for their own ends.  Rebellion against God runs strong and deep inside us all.  Regardless of what people say, we know what they really think, because we once thought the same way.  If they admitted that God was a good God, and that they were really at fault for all the evil in the world, then they would have to put the blame on nobody but themselves.  They would have to admit that they're not right all the time.  They would have to admit that they're sinners.  This requires too much honesty.  Too much pride, too much selfishness, too much rebellion, and too much stubbornness resides in the hearts of men to give God the glory which is properly due him.  They only make things worse by blaming God for the bad, and taking glory for the good in their lives.
    Refuse to be proud, out of respect for your Maker.  When the Lord sees your humble heart, he can direct you in the right way.  Never assume you know better than God, like Job did.  But if you do become proud, remember Job.  God has a way of humbling us all.  He humbles us so that he may lift us up, and bless us even more.  As long as we remain proud, he can't help us.  That's why the Lord hates this thing called pride.  Pride robs us of his goodness.  Stay humble in your own estimation, but don't ever use your weakness as an excuse to fail.  If you rely on his strength you cannot fail, and he will get the glory for all you accomplish.  His goodness and mercy are like a massive tree, upon which you can lean your weak and frail frame and there find relief from the heat and the rain.  No matter how hard you lean, this tree will never fall.  Trust in the Lord and dwell in the shade.  Take time to tell him what you think of him.  Do not be downhearted and afraid.  Thank him for all the things he's made.  He has enough grace to grant you more power than you will ever need, so let his grace work and let it work in you.
    Lord, touch our heart and remake our heart as a child's, and we will make you the love of our life.  You are the Lord.  You have power and might.  When we look up at you, we don't see ourselves.  We see what you have done in us and what you can do through us.  We see that what you have done for us, you want to do for others.  You died for them, too.  You died to give us the privilege of knowing you, and knowing you, we long to help others come to know you.  We are your treasure.  You are our treasure in Heaven.  You made others.  They are our treasure in Heaven, too.  We are all one.  You are with us, holding our hand.  Our faith is in you, for you made heaven and earth.  Our faith is made strong in you, when we see the works of your hand.  We are the works of your hand.  May we glorify you!

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