Sunday, May 1, 2011


Neh 8:10-12
Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." The Levites calmed all the people, saying, "Be still, for this is a sacred day. Do not grieve." Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.

Our life must have direction or, not knowing where we are going, we will get lost and stray off course. If we fix our sights on a distinct destination, then we will steer straight toward the goal. Your words are the rudder of your life. So to have joy as your destination you must speak the words of life. You must speak these words so loud, even the devil can hear you. You must say to yourself, "The Lord is my Rock, and nothing shall ever move me." Then keep on speaking, until you see the things you've so far only heard about.
For I have discovered a safe haven. I have found a place of rest, peace, and tranquility. I have set my course on a straight path. I have plotted my course on a fixed destination. I have the goal in sight. I have a compass to steer by. I have a map to show me the way. I have a Captain who knows where the rocks lie hidden beneath the waves. His hand guides the ship. I simply let him. I stay on board and let him have control of the helm. I know I can trust him to bring me safely home.
Simplicity is the rule. I have fixed my sights on one thing, and that is the harbor where peace resides. Jesus waits for me there. I sometimes get my eyes off the goal. When life becomes too complicated, confusion often sets in, and often confusion leads to delusion. It is when I try to run the ship that I veer off course. I sometimes look at the storms around me and I get scared. I become frightened and veer off course, when I should steer straight ahead. I remind myself that simplicity is the rule, and still life keeps throwing confusion my way. Life won't leave me alone. Life keeps fighting against me. When I notice peace begins to leave, and I feel drained and tired, and the winds and waves rise higher and higher, I cry for help, and the Lord comes to my aid. Then he reminds me of the simplicity which I seek and I focus my sights once again on the destination, and I look away from the hazards of the journey and ignore the distractions along the way.
Only with Jesus' help have I been able to keep this ship afloat. It amazes me that his grace is so strong. His grace fills me with joy. I have peace to weather the storms. I have a life I never knew before. I grow stronger and stronger, as I sail closer and closer to my destination. He tells me to hearken to his voice, and his voice stills the surging in my soul. The future looks very bright when I am guided by his light. With his light, I am grateful for the present state of my life, and the passage of my days becomes sweeter as time goes by. I see that Jesus is all that matters. He is the destination. He is the peaceful shore. He is the island of everlasting happiness. He is the star guiding me. He is the wind filling my sails. He is the calming breeze leading me to a better place. He is, and therefore I need not fear.
He is my Father, this God who sent his Son to me. Like a father, he is sworn to protect and defend me. I have security and confidence in the face of all enemies. I need never want. I need never lack. I need never worry or be anxious. He searches my heart, and relieves me of all my fears. He knows me. He knows just how to reach me. He knows exactly how to help me. He knows what I need, when I need it, and he always comes through just in time. I have a Father who is wiser, stronger, more loving, more caring, and richer than any other. This is my Maker, my greatest and best friend, my everlasting haven of rest.
I find that the enemy of my soul is always and ever striving to drive a wedge between me and my Savior. He is ever working to get me to look away from the Lord. He attempts to complicate things for me, to throw me into confusion. The enemy tries hard to deceive me into thinking that my way is best. I thank my Father for teaching me that his way is the only way! I don't have to waste any more time wandering aimlessly, tossed about by every stormy blast life brings. I don't have to waste any more time wondering whether I'm on the right course or not. I don't have to waste any more time struggling to find my own way upon the vast sea of life. I don't have to waste any more time going in circles and getting nowhere, because I refuse to let go of the helm. Even so, the attraction of the world is so powerful at times that it is like a magnet tugging at my soul, throwing off my compass, drawing me off course. But Jesus, my Savior, is greater than the world! When I remember this, life truly becomes simple.
In the precious word of God I find the calm serenity my heart craves. In the word I find rest. In the word I find the simple truth which gives my soul such strength that nothing can shake me or disturb my peace. When I think of my heavenly Father, I know he always cares for me. How can I be wretched, worried, wondering, or wandering, when I know he is watching over me? How can I, except when I forget what his word has said, and instead I trust my own knowledge and understanding. The people of the world would have me think as they do, and be anxious and troubled about tomorrow. The world would have me doubt my heavenly Father, as if he could not see my need, as if he had no power to help. But I have known his grace too long to trust the world. I have seen his hand too strong in my life to trust my own wisdom. I have been given too much mercy to doubt his love and concern for me. I have come to his secret hideaway, where I find the rich treasures of trust, simplicity, peace, and confidence.
I want to grow ever more simple in my thinking, and yet more wise in my actions. I want to become like a little child, and learn to turn every situation over to my Father. I want to be ignorant of evil, and wise concerning good. I want to be blissfully unaffected by the evil around me, and instead draw strength from the awareness of God within me. I want to be innocent in my mind again. I do not want the knowledge of evil which sin, satan, and the world have brought into my life. I only want to eat of the tree of life, the bread of life, the living word, and to drink of living water. I want Eden's precious fruit for my sustenance, and Eden's delightful glories upon my mind. I want to walk apart from the world, and all its' worry, strife, and hate. I do not want the world to make complex that which is so clear to me now. I do not want the world's many layers of deception and distraction to wrap themselves around my mind, and fog my thinking. I do not want the venom of the serpent to poison my soul. I do not want the things which destroy the soul through lust, greed, and envy. I am no longer willing to sell my soul for a pittance.
In simplicity I find serenity. When I place my life in the hands of my Father, life is truly at its' best, so I keep my eyes on him who made me. I think of Abraham and Sarah who bore me, for I too am a child of the promise. It was a miracle, this new birth into the Family of God. It was not of my own making, or doing, or effort, or skill, or goodness, or wisdom. It was simply there for the asking, and Jesus did the rest. I keep my affection on him. I keep my eyes on the goal. I keep my love on heavenly things. I keep my thoughts focused on the salvation of my Redeemer. I think of others now. I strive to live as if I am the only Jesus they will ever see. I want others to find what I have found.
What a precious treasure, to have eternal life in a Kingdom which will never end! I am richer than JFK. I am richer than the Sultan of Brunei. I am richer than the Viceroy of Bombay. I am richer than the Empress of Cathay. She has a heavy crown to bear. I have nothing but a story to share. With my eyes on the prize, how can I be denied joy and singing as I travel along this way? Jesus is my destination. Jesus is my joy. Joy is my destination.

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